
Transformative Professional Development

Conversations That Matter.
Metacognition & Brain-based Pedagogy-Andragogy.
Participate in a deep professional, social, engaging and interactive online learning. 
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It is not unusual for teachers to give up a decent part of their weekend to engage in professional development. Often this is to avoid the opportunity cost of lost class time with their students.
What makes this different

Traditional Professional Development Is Broken

Full, and even half-day program have concept density that prevents significant learning transformation
Releasing participants from their regular workplace adds financial, organisational and opportunity costs
Conventional PD relies too heavily on content transmission
Learning delivery design is often based on organisational convenience over true transformation

A better way...

Learning is complex. Learning design and delivery should support learning needs and complexity.

  • The brain-based AGES model suggests deep adult learning is supported by:
  • Attention - targeted and focused
  • Generation - work in the brain of the participant
  • Emotion - connecting content to meaning
  • Spacing - spreading learning out over time

MetaLearn Educations programs are designed for learning engagement and delivery with AGES in mind.
  • Live 30-40 min sessions reduce concept fatigue & deepen impact
  • Sequenced live session to a weekly or bi-weekly cadence
  • Participant work  towards meaning and action from learning
  • Flipped and blended learning via self-paced concept videos
  • Social learning through learning communities and comments
  • Exemplar videos to support behavioural skill transformation
  • Group coaching and mentoring to explore and embed learning 
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past Participants


countries delivered to 


of participant brains engaged

Organisational & Public Programs

Many of the programs here are bespoke constructed for schools and organisations. For more information or a discussion, please contact Andrew.

We also provide public programs and you'll see the current offering just below.

Public courses available:

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Our students have
a few nice things to say about us

"Andrew Mowat and the expertises he brings is a game changer! His insights into human behaviors and his application of research based models has supported us at ISSP to lead with confidence. Middle and senior leadership have greatly benefited from his professional development and support. Andrew also facilitates series based PD that builds over time, the capacity of leaders to lead high functioning teacher teams."
Lester Stephens
Principal, International School Saigon Pearl
"Commending Andrew for his remarkable and inspiring presentations on all manner of educational topics. Most notably, Andrew contributes to advancing perspectives for aspiring leaders through his work on defining qualities needed to become a leader of substance. Andrew is a person who is held in high regard for the difference he makes in the lives of those fortunate to be in his company."

Eddie Groughan
Principal, Australian International School, Singapore

"Andrew is by far the most engaging trainer I have ever encountered - if you get chance to attend any of his seminars or coaching workshops I recommend that you do - it is a life-changing experience."
Anne Timothy
AT Consultants For Change, Durham, UK
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